Amina recently achieved her PPL with us!
We last caught up with Amina in January when she had completed her first solo.
How does it feel to have achieved your PPL?
Is there any advice you would give to other young people thinking about getting into aviation?
Look into scholarships. I may never have started my PPL journey without initial funding from the Air League. Various scholarships are available for individuals at different stages so research thoroughly to see what you are eligible for. Make sure you’re comfortable with your flying school and instructor; don’t be afraid to try a few before committing. The PPL journey will come with highs and lows, so getting to know fellow students/pilots will be an invaluable source of support.
What was your most memorable moment of learning to fly?
The qualifying cross country – I flew to Southend and Norwich. It was such a confidence-booster flying to two big airports solo and really helped the radio communication ‘click’.
Are there any places you would particularly like to fly to?
Isle of Wight and Le Touquet, France.
Do you have any more goals / ambitions in aviation?
Currently I am enjoying the privileges of a PPL flying to places with friends and family. I would also love to complete a night-rating and I’m open to any future aviation opportunities.
Another huge congratulations Amina!