D-Day talk at The Essex – Wednesday 5th June, 7pm.
Did you know that this year is the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings? The Essex are hosting a talk about the role that Earls Colne played in the lead up to D-Day and the impact that the presence of the US airforce personnel had on the villages around here.
The airfield played an important role on that day. Planes from Earls Colne were used to “soften up” the beach defences and blow up roads and rail lines to prevent the Germans from re-enforcing their positions at the front. The planes based here at that time were USAAF B-26 Marauders, a medium range bomber which had a difficult start but ended up as one of the most successful bomber planes of the war.
The talk will be held in the main function room at The Essex Golf & Country Club on Wednesday 5th June at 7pm, the night before D-Day. There will be a bar open all night, and food is available.
You can get your tickets here: https://www.theessexgolfandcountryclub.com/events/june-2024/dday-talk/