3nm SE of Halstead (N51:54.817 E000:40.900)
227ft AMSL

General Airfield Information

Earls Colne airfield (EGSR) – The latest information on EGSR is available from the UK AIP Website.

Location: 3nm SE of Halstead (N51:54.817 E000:40.900)
Elevation: 227ft AMSL
Hours: Licensed 7 days a week 0900hrs – 1800hrs or SS (winter)
PPR: Essential for noise abatement brief, non radio aircraft accepted by arrangement
Comms: Earls Colne Radio 122.430

For directions by road click here.

Non-pilots please note: It is pointed out that noise abatement procedures cannot legally be made mandatory – it is a voluntary procedure which Earls Colne strongly advises all pilots to adhere to.

Runway Characteristics – Earls Colne EGSR Runway information

Runway TORA(m) TODA(m) ASDA(m) LDA(m) Dimensions(m) Surface Lighting
06 *1 877 877 877 778 939 x 30 *2 Grass/Asphalt Yes *3
24 *1 840 840 840 778 939 x 30 *2 Grass/Asphalt Yes *4

*1 Noise abatement procedures apply
*2 Runway has 778 x 10 asphalt insert
*3 Edge lighting
*4 Edge lighting plus APAPI


Maintenance: www.aeroanglia.com
Hangerage: None
Parking: Available
Fuel & Oil: AVGAS, W100, W80, S80