3nm SE of Halstead (N51:54.817 E000:40.900)
227ft AMSL

Contact Anglian Flight Centres

Anglian Flight Centres Limited
Earls Colne Airfield
Earls Colne

Tel: 01787 223676
Fax: 01787 223943

Email: enquiries@flyafc.co.uk

Company’s Registered Office and Place of Registration: 5 Grange Way, Colchester, Essex, CO2 8HG. Company Registered Number: 3296332

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Map / Directions

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From the A120 take the B1024 heading towards the Essex Country club and Earls Colne. Once on the B1024 the entrance to the Essex Country club is approx 3-4 miles on the left hand side. Turn into the entrance to the country club and you will see a big Propeller memorial as you drive in. Once past this memorial the road splits left and right, turn right here and follow the road around until you see the airfield.