All aircraft are strictly PPR and should follow the procedures below. We’ve also put together a COMPLETE PILOT BRIEFING so you can have all the information in one document.
Arrivals & Departures
Fixed Wing
Runway 06 Right hand
Runway 24 Left hand
Circuit information
Standard overhead join, circuits at 1000ft – If safe and possible please try to avoid the areas marked in yellow, strictly at pilots discretion.
Note: maps not to scale.
Inbound: Proceed along the appropriate helicopter route according to the runway in use (if 24 is in use, approach from the North, if 06 in use, approach from the North-West), giving way to fixed wing aircraft in the circuit pattern. Park as directed.
Departures: From the helicopter parking area depart directly to the North or North-West (depending on runway in use), giving way to fixed wing aircraft in the circuit pattern, and avoiding the marked areas.