How long does it take to get my licence?
We can tailor a training period to suit your diary and affordability. Some people complete the course in a few months and some take a few years spreading the cost and enjoying the experience. Our instructors will get to know what suits you best and then we will tailor the course around you.
Are the ground exams hard?
No they are really quite easy once you have studied the subject over a few weeks. We normally suggest that you do a certain subject to tie in with the stage of training you are at so this way it is easier to digest. Click on this link to see some details of the ground exams They really are good fun and not hard at all.
Will I be able to just go flying when I have my PPL?
Yes, as long as your medical and licence are current you can go flying if the weather conditions suit your abilities and licence privileges. Most flying clubs also have an experience currency requirement as well before hiring out an aircraft. Here at AFC we ask that you have flown for one hour within the last 36 days on the type of aircraft you are intending to hire.
Will I need further training to fly in clouds or night?
Yes, this can be a bit complex to explain in a brief comment. However the additional training that you require can be done by our instructors to add ratings to your licence.
Can I take passengers when I get my licence?
Yes, as long as your licence privileges are current. It is great to get flying with family and friends and show them the benefit of all the hard work you have put in.
How much will it cost to get my licence?
This all depends on how fast you move through the training programme. You need a minimum time of 45hrs for your training, but most people can take a little longer. Some flight training schools offer fixed price for getting a PPL, but this is strictly based on you completing within the 45hrs. Any hours spent over and above this 45hrs will be charged EXTRA to the quoted fixed price. This creates pressure on the student to complete in the 45hrs and takes the fun out of the experience. We prefer that you set the pace and push on as fast or as slow as what you feel comfortable with.
I have so many more questions…
Then why not arrange with us to come in for a chat with an instructor, sit in one of the aircraft and get a feel for the place. Call us on 01787 223676 to arrange a visit.
We look forward to seeing you soon………….