Craig recently completed his first solo flight with us and is progressing nicely towards his PPL. We asked him a few questions about how he’s found the experience so far.
How did you find your first flight?
After having some previous flying and gliding experience (as an aircadet many moons ago and currently as a Cadet Forces Adult Volunteer) it was really exciting for me to get back into the cockpit and to dive into the practical and theoretical training. As soon as I walked into the club house I knew that I had picked the right school and my instructor for the flight Dave (who is now my actual instructor) was incredibly helpful in giving me a clear understanding of the process of gaining my PPL, what was entailed as well as the groundschool. The team as well were really helpful in pointing me in the right direction when it came to my Medical, setting up my account with the CAA and the general dos and don’ts!
The flight itself, which was last September, was an hour up and around Felixstowe and Ipswich and I had a lot of fun learning the basics of the Robin as an aircraft. I can happily say I had a smile on my face as soon as we departed, and it was still there when we pulled back onto the apron.
What has been the most interesting part of it all so far?
So far, the most interesting part has been the introduction to instrument flying. When you lose your ability to look outside the cockpit it’s an incredibly strange feeling. You really have to trust your instruments and I was thankful that I had listened intently to the preflight brief we had and the questions I asked. That way when the visor went on I knew the flow I needed to utilise for the instruments and the methods needed to fly the aircraft safely.
What are your main aviation goals? (Specific place to fly/other ratings etc)
My goal really is to enjoy private flying as much as I can. I haven’t really thought too much about gaining my commercial licence (though that may be something I look to in the future) right now I want to enjoy flying, go on some adventures with my family and friends and visit some interesting places in the UK such as the Scottish Highlands. Of course, one of the aims is to stretch my legs as it were and fly to the continent. Le Tourqet for one, I’m a bit of a history nut so Carpiquet in Normandy to visit a few museums and of course La Seu d’Urgell Airport which is in the Pyrenees in Andorra.
Ratings wise, once I’ve got my licence in hand, the three additional licences I wish to complete are my night rating, Tailwheel conversion and my IMC rating.
How many Hours in are you?
I am almost 22 hours in and after going solo at 15 hours, my consolidation flying which was a mixture of solo and dual circuit work and some further advanced manoeuvres I am next going onto Practiced Forced Landings which I am really looking forward to.